
* Be sure to try the links to online activities in larger bold type . 

On the first day of the week,

Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early in the morning,

while it was still dark,

and saw the stone removed from the tomb.  (John 20:1)

Choose Diorama  One, Two or Three and print in color.

These scenes are from the Netherlands.

* Give this crossword puzzle a try.

Enter then, all of you, into the joy of our Lord.

First and last, receive alike your reward.

Rich and poor, dance together.

You who fasted and you who have not fasted, rejoice together.

The table is fully laden: let all enjoy it.

The calf is fatted: let none go away hungry.

                                        --St. John Chrysostom, Easter Sermon

You have put on Christ, in him you have been baptized.

We put a white garment on each person who is baptized 

as a reminder that they have "put on Christ."

This is why people started to wear new clothes at Easter,

to remind them of their own baptism.


--Eggs remind Christians of the end of the Lenten fast.  Historically Christians fasted from eggs and milk as well as meat during Lent. On Easter Christians rejoice in the abundance of God’s love – no longer fasting, we are full of joy.

--A traditional pious legend passed down in the Eastern Church holds that St. Mary Magdalene was bringing cooked eggs to share with the other women at the tomb of Jesus. The eggs in her basket miraculously turned brilliant red when she beheld the Risen Christ. The egg is taken to represent the boulder over the entrance to the tomb of Jesus.

--Another common legend talks about St. Mary Magdalene's role as an evangelist, helping to spread the Gospel. It says that after Jesus' Ascension, Mary travelled to visit the Emperor Tiberius in Rome and greeted him with: “Christ has risen” [a traditional Orthodox Easter greeting, also adopted by many Christians]; whereupon he pointed to an egg on his table and quipped, “Christ has no more risen than that egg is red.” The egg, it is said, immediately turned blood red.

Be sure to dye one Easter egg red to remember the apostle to the apostles.

People of Ukrainian heritage decorate beautiful Easter eggs with intricate designs.

* Try a jigsaw puzzle of Ukrainian Easter eggs.


Why not use Legos for your Easter centerpiece

* Check out all of these symbols of Easter.

50 Days of Easter

Why does Easter seem to go on forever? You do the math.

Read about the week of Easter stories  that follow Easter Sunday.

* Try some Easter trivia here.